Bachelor of Law Program

Program Description

The College of Law offers a Bachelor of Law program that can be completed in three and a half years or four academic years, including the Foundation Program. The program requires the successful completion of (137) credit hours CH within eight semesters.

The Bachelor of Law program has been prepared in a manner consistent with the developments in the legal and judicial fields locally, regionally and internationally.

Admission Requirements
  • A “General Education Diploma” (successfully completed) or its certified equivalent

Program Objectives
  • Provide the Omani society and labor market with qualified legal professionals that contribute to the development of skills and knowledge - scientifically, practically and technically - to work in all legal fields.

  • Provide graduates with capabilities to contribute to society and to upgrade and promote legal research in order to serve the Omani and international community.

Student Outcomes
  • Understand general legal texts and principles.

  • Apply the provisions of legal texts to the substantive facts arising from the various disputes and litigations.

  • Distinguish between types of legal texts.

  • Analyze jurisprudential and judicial opinions and identify appropriate legal solutions to resolve disputes.

  • Assess the merits and legal facts of the case in order to reach the applicable legislative text.

  • Communicate effectively with others and adopt leadership roles with full responsibility.

  • Manage different tasks independently and with advanced levels of understanding and values while proposing solutions that require significant change in attitudes.

Career Path
  • Judiciary and Public Prosecution.

  • Legal departments.

  • Government institutions, law firms and legal consultations.

Bachelor of Law

Bachelor Plan

Total: 137.0 C.H.

Course Code Course Title Sem Prerequisite Credit Hour

LMAT 001


1 & 2



FINS 001

مهارات التعلم العامة (للقانون)

1 & 2



PRLW 101

المدخل إلى القانون




PRLW 109

تاريخ ومقاصد التشريع الإسلامي




PRLW 111

قانون الإثبات



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