University of Buraimi’s Environmental Council Hosts a Discussion Session on the Encyclopedia of Wild Plants in Al Buraimi Governorate.

Coinciding with the Sultanate's celebration of Omani Tree Day on October 31st each year and as part of the continuous efforts of the Environmental Authority to preserve biodiversity and introduce the natural environment in Al Buraimi Governorate, a discussion session was organized to explore the Encyclopedia of Wild Plants in Al Buraimi Governorate. The session was led by Ms. Fatima Al-Jabri from the Environmental Authority, and it was attended by employees of the Environmental Authority as well as University staff and students.
The purpose of this event was to highlight the importance of plants in the governorate, the density of vegetation cover, and the significance of these local wild plants and their role in the environment. The National Survey Project was introduced, explaining how wild plants are surveyed and classified by species in each region of Al Buraimi Governorate. The multiple roles of wild plants in the area were emphasized, including their role in air and soil purification, providing food, and traditional medicine.
An overview of the local Encyclopedia of Wild Plants was presented, along with an explanation of the main objectives of this project. Additionally, the discussion covered the significant challenges facing wild plants in the region, proposed solutions, and the role of the local community in preserving wild plants.
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